As previously stated, FFB stands for "Future F*** Buddy". Now picking the perfect FFB for me is actually quite difficult. I don't want just anyone to give my goodies to, I want someone that I hand pick and I feel comfortable knowing that they will see me naked on multiple occasions. So, I have put together a list of the things I require in a FFB:
1) They can't be my "type" or the hottest man in the universe.
Not saying I could even score with the hottest man in the universe but regardless. Say my type is tall and skinny (it is) then I should pick someone who maybe has a lil pudge like me, or is on the shorter side. Now people tell me all the time they don't have a type and they are attracted to personality, which is great, so am I, but when I see someone sexy walking down the street I don't think to myself "Yum, wouldn't I like to get a piece of that personality..." NO. I think, "DAMN LEMME SEE YOUR ABS!" or if they don't have abs, some other sexy body part like their butt (I like me some firm booty). And in this case I am not looking for a boyfriend so unless he is a total douche bag I don't really care about his personality but rather the package.... BUT, anyways, if you pick a FFB that is your type, or ungodly sexy, there is more of a chance that you actually fall for them, and we all know the worst thing you can do is fall for your 'cuddle buddy'.
2) They aren't the commitment type.
At least if you fall for your FFB you can, i don't know, go into this fantasy world thinking its more than what it is or just simply or maybe not-so-simply walk away and find another FFB. But, if your FFB falls for you then that opens another can of worms. They become clingy and wanting to take you out, which is great for the free food but not great for the whole not wanting anything more thing. You want to know that he will be okay with you talking to other guys and is comfortable doing the same. I don't want someone sleeping with 15 girls though, don't get me wrong.
Once, I made out with a guy after hanging out at the bar and I thought it was just a one time thing but alas, I was wrong. I then received a text with a variation of "hey", "what's up", or "hey cutie" every other day for the next three weeks, I didn't respond to a single one. Then after those three weeks were over it continued with once every two weeks and finally died out after 3 months... (See pic below, keep in mind we met in August) You do not want one of THOSE as your FFB you need to know his reputation and whether or not he's a stage 5 clinger... which brings me to my final big requirement of a FFB.
3) I must actually KNOW them.
Not know them in any like oh, you were my best friend now I want to sleep with you, just know them enough to decide whether or not they have a good chance of having an STD or are going to become a stage 5 clinger like my friend from the bar. You don't want your FFB airing your dirty laundry everywhere like I am now, but you want someone that you would be proud to call your cuddle bud if people did by chance find out.
I aim high, even when it comes to things like this! I do not take this funny business too lightly and here's where I tell you to make sure if you get a funny business friend you stay safe, get checked, and don't have babies :-)
Sincerely, the babbling blonde
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